Территориальный орган роспотребнадзора по москве: Территориальные отделы

Территориальный отдел Управления Роспотребнадзора по городу Москве в ЮГО-ЗАПАДНОМ АО города Москвы



Занимаемая должность

Имя Отчество









Начальник территориального отдела,

Главный государственный санитарный врач по Юго-Западному административному округу г. Москвы


Ковалева Ирина Александровна


(каб. 218)




(каб. 218)


Надзор за условиями труда и радиационной безопасности

Заместитель начальника, заместитель Главного государственного санитарного врача по Юго-Западному административному округу г. Москвы

Добрынина Ирина Петровна

(каб. 221)



(каб. 204)



Эпидемиологический надзор


Заместитель начальника

Прилипа Светлана Ивановна




(каб. 207)



(кааб. 203)


Надзор за особо опасными инфекциями

Заместитель начальника

Когтева Наталья Александровна

 (каб. 220)



(каб. 223;224)


Организации надзора: служба «одного окна»; надзор за дезинфекционной деятельностью, ответственный за работу в условиях ЧС и мобилизационную подготовку; социально-гигиенический мониторинг

Заместитель начальника территориального отдела, заместитель Главного государственного санитарного врача по Юго-Западному административному округу г. Москвы


(каб. 217)




(каб. 211)


Надзор в сфере защиты прав потребителей

Заместитель начальника территориального отдела

Осина Ирина Станиславовна

(каб. 216)



(каб. 214)


Надзор за услугами и товарами для детей и подростков




(каб. 213; 227; 229)


Надзор за объектами коммунально-бытового назначения

Заместитель начальника территориального отдела

Ирина Николаевна


(каб. 208)




(каб. 205; 206)


Надзор за питанием населения


 Отдел юридического обеспечения


Заместитель начальника территориального отдела





Заместитель начальника территориального отдела


Буренко Светлана Анатольевна




Ефимов Дмитрий Евгеньевич

(каб. 210) 







Территориальный отдел Управления Роспотребнадзора по городу Москве в ЮГО-ЗАПАДНОМ АО города Москвы



Занимаемая должность

Имя Отчество









Начальник территориального отдела,

Главный государственный санитарный врач по Юго-Западному административному округу г. Москвы


Ковалева Ирина Александровна


(каб. 218)




(каб. 218)


Надзор за условиями труда и радиационной безопасности

Заместитель начальника, заместитель Главного государственного санитарного врача по Юго-Западному административному округу г. Москвы

Добрынина Ирина Петровна

(каб. 221)



(каб. 204)



Эпидемиологический надзор


Заместитель начальника

Прилипа Светлана Ивановна




(каб. 207)



(кааб. 203)


Надзор за особо опасными инфекциями

Заместитель начальника

Когтева Наталья Александровна

 (каб. 220)



(каб. 223;224)


Организации надзора: служба «одного окна»; надзор за дезинфекционной деятельностью, ответственный за работу в условиях ЧС и мобилизационную подготовку; социально-гигиенический мониторинг

Заместитель начальника территориального отдела, заместитель Главного государственного санитарного врача по Юго-Западному административному округу г. Москвы


(каб. 217)




(каб. 211)


Надзор в сфере защиты прав потребителей

Заместитель начальника территориального отдела

Осина Ирина Станиславовна

(каб. 216)



(каб. 214)


Надзор за услугами и товарами для детей и подростков




(каб. 213; 227; 229)


Надзор за объектами коммунально-бытового назначения

Заместитель начальника территориального отдела

Ирина Николаевна


(каб. 208)




(каб. 205; 206)


Надзор за питанием населения


 Отдел юридического обеспечения


Заместитель начальника территориального отдела





Заместитель начальника территориального отдела


Буренко Светлана Анатольевна




Ефимов Дмитрий Евгеньевич

(каб. 210) 







Территориальный отдел Управления Роспотребнадзора по городу Москве в СЕВЕРНОМ АО города Москвы

№ п/п


Занимаемая должность






Начальник территориального отдела, Главный государственный санитарный врач по Северному административному округу г. Москвы

Тарасова Вера Владимировна

(495) 452-38-18


каб. 508



Заместитель начальника территориального отдела, Заместитель главного государственного санитарного врача по Северному административному округу г. Москвы

Зотова Виктория Витальевна

(495) 452-38-18


каб. 508



Заместитель начальника территориального отдела, Заместитель главного государственного санитарного врача по Северному административному округу г. Москвы

Козлова Жанна Сергеевна




Организация надзора

Заместитель начальника территориального отдела

Чернышева Камилла Рафаиловна








«Одно окно»






Юридическое обеспечение






Надзор за питанием населения

Заместитель начальника территориального отдела

Кузнецова Анна Вячеславовна 


каб. 507






Надзор за объектами коммунально – бытового назначения и средой обитания
человека, надзор за условиями труда, физическими факторами

Руководитель группы

 Томилов Станислав Владимирович








Надзор за услугами и товарами для детей и подростков

Заместитель начальника территориального отдела

Соложенкова Марина Викторовна


каб. 512




каб. 514


Надзор за лечебно – профилактическими учреждениями

Заместитель начальника территориального отдела

Куприн Юрий Николаевич





Эпидемиологический надзор

Заместитель начальника территориального отдела

Замятина Наталья Владимировна








Надзор в сфере защиты прав потребителей

Заместитель начальника территориального отдела

 Гуреев Игорь Васильевич






каб.428, 411

Управление Роспотребнадзора по городу Москве

Территориальный отдел Управления Федеральной службы по надзору в сфере защиты прав потребителей и благополучия человека по городу Москве в Троицком и Новомосковском административном округе

117218, г. Москва, ул. Большая Черемушкинская, д. 24, стр. 1.


№ п/п


Занимаемая должность

Фамилия, Имя, Отчество


№ Кабинета









Начальник территориального  отдела,
главный государственный санитарный врач по Троицкому и Новомосковскому административному округу г. Москвы

Сергеева Маргарита Анатольевна


(499) 125-89-77




Зам. начальника территориального отдела,

Зам. Главного государственного санитарного врача по  Троицкому и Новомосковскому административному округу
г. Москвы


(499) 125-89-77


    Дежурный по отделу 8(499) 129-44-48  


Надзор в сфере защиты прав потребителей

Заместитель начальника
территориального отдела

Кирьянова Елена Викторовна






Надзор за радиационной безопасностью и гигиеной труда






Надзор за питанием населения






Надзор за лечебно-профилактическими учреждениями






Надзор за услугами и товарами для детей и подростков







Надзор за объектами коммунально- бытового назначения и средой обитания человека











Территориальный отдел Управления Роспотребнадзора по городу Москве в ЗАПАДНОМ АО города Москвы

№ п/п

(функциональная группа)

Занимаемая должность

Фамилия, Имя, Отчество


№ кабинета









Начальник территориального отдела,  Главный государственный санитарный врач по Западному административному округу г. Москвы

Татьяна Федоровна





Заместитель начальника территориального отдела,  Заместитель Главного государственного санитарного врача по Западному административному округу г. Москвы

Екатерина Владимировна





Заместитель начальника территориального отдела,  Заместитель Главного Государственного санитарного врача по Западному административному округу г. Москвы

Надежда Станиславовна





Секретарь Королева Светлана Викторовна


(499) 144-07-92
факс: (499) 142-81-52



Надзор за условиями труда и радиационной безопасности населения

Заместитель начальника территориального отдела

Елена Юрьевна





Надзор за объектами коммунально-бытового назначения и средой обитания

 Заместитель начальника территориального отдела,  Заместитель Главного государственного санитарного врача по Западному административному округу г. Москвы


Екатерина Владимировна





Надзор за питанием населения

Заместитель начальника территориального отдела


Чемечева Наталья Владимировна 






Эпидемиологический надзор, включая надзор за паразитарными и особоопасными инфекциями, надзор за дезинфекционной деятельностью

Заместитель начальника территориального отдела

Чепурок Наталия Борисовна




Надзор за лечебно-профилактическими учреждениями

Заместитель начальника территориального отдела

Мироненко Людмила Викторовна




Надзор за услугами и товарами для детей и подростков

Заместитель начальника территориального отдела


Андрианова Наталья Юрьевна




Надзор в сфере защиты прав потребителей

Заместитель начальника территориального отдела


 Крайнова Ольга Николаевна




Территориальный отдел Управления Роспотребнадзора по городу Москве в СЕВЕРНОМ АО города Москвы

№ п/п


Занимаемая должность






Начальник территориального отдела, Главный государственный санитарный врач по Северному административному округу г. Москвы

Тарасова Вера Владимировна

(495) 452-38-18


каб. 508



Заместитель начальника территориального отдела, Заместитель главного государственного санитарного врача по Северному административному округу г. Москвы

Зотова Виктория Витальевна

(495) 452-38-18


каб. 508



Заместитель начальника территориального отдела, Заместитель главного государственного санитарного врача по Северному административному округу г. Москвы

Козлова Жанна Сергеевна




Организация надзора

Заместитель начальника территориального отдела

Чернышева Камилла Рафаиловна








«Одно окно»






Юридическое обеспечение






Надзор за питанием населения

Заместитель начальника территориального отдела

Кузнецова Анна Вячеславовна 


каб. 507






Надзор за объектами коммунально – бытового назначения и средой обитания
человека, надзор за условиями труда, физическими факторами

Руководитель группы

 Томилов Станислав Владимирович








Надзор за услугами и товарами для детей и подростков

Заместитель начальника территориального отдела

Соложенкова Марина Викторовна


каб. 512




каб. 514


Надзор за лечебно – профилактическими учреждениями

Заместитель начальника территориального отдела

Куприн Юрий Николаевич





Эпидемиологический надзор

Заместитель начальника территориального отдела

Замятина Наталья Владимировна








Надзор в сфере защиты прав потребителей

Заместитель начальника территориального отдела

 Гуреев Игорь Васильевич






каб.428, 411

Территориальный отдел Управления Федеральной службы по надзору в сфере защиты прав потребителей и благополучия человека по городу Москве в Троицком и Новомосковском административном округе

Территориальный отдел Управления Федеральной службы по надзору в сфере защиты прав потребителей и благополучия человека по городу Москве в Троицком и Новомосковском административном округе

117218, г. Москва, ул. Большая Черемушкинская, д. 24, стр. 1.


№ п/п


Занимаемая должность

Фамилия, Имя, Отчество


№ Кабинета









Начальник территориального  отдела,
главный государственный санитарный врач по Троицкому и Новомосковскому административному округу г. Москвы

Сергеева Маргарита Анатольевна


(499) 125-89-77




Зам. начальника территориального отдела,

Зам. Главного государственного санитарного врача по  Троицкому и Новомосковскому административному округу
г. Москвы


(499) 125-89-77


    Дежурный по отделу 8(499) 129-44-48  


Надзор в сфере защиты прав потребителей

Заместитель начальника
территориального отдела

Кирьянова Елена Викторовна






Надзор за радиационной безопасностью и гигиеной труда






Надзор за питанием населения






Надзор за лечебно-профилактическими учреждениями






Надзор за услугами и товарами для детей и подростков







Надзор за объектами коммунально- бытового назначения и средой обитания человека











90000 Federal Agency for Mineral Resources 90001 90002 The Federal Agency for Mineral Resources is a federal body of executive authority responsible for providing state services, managing state property, and for вlegal regulation in the sphere of subsoil use. 90003 90002 The Federal Agency on Mineral Resources has the following functions: 90003 90002 • to organise regeneration and rational use of the mineral and raw material base; 90003 90002 • to study the geological subsoil on the territory of the Russian Federation and on the continental shelf of the Russian Federation; 90003 90002 • to maintain a federal and a territorial data bank on geological information on subsoil, as well as a data bank on subsoil use; 90003 90002 • to manage, within its sphere of competence, federal property in the sphere of subsoil use, including managing the State Subsoil Fund; 90003 90002 • to implement, within the limits and procedures established by federal laws and acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, ownership rights in relation to federal property required for ensuring the function of federal bodies of authority, including property transferred to federal state unitary enterprises, federal Treasury enterprises, and state institutions subordinate to the Agency; 90003 90002 • to maintain a state cadastre of deposits and occurrences of minerals, to keep a state inventory of works involved in the geological exploration of subsoil and its sections made available for the extraction of minerals and for purposes unrelated to their production, and their inclusion in a state register, as well as to compile a state balance sheet of mineral resources and to monitor the condition of subsoil; 90003 90002 • to provide the right to use subsoil in an established manner; 90003 90002 • to render state services connected with: a geological, economic, and cost-based assessment of mineral deposits and subsoil sections in accordance with the established procedure; a state examination of mineral reserves and geological and economic information on subsoil sections made available for exploitation, and the provision of design and estimates documentation on the geological exploration of subsoil.90003 .90000 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act 90001 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act 90002 FAS | Intelligence | Justice |||| Search | Join FAS 90003 90004 90005 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act 90006 The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 prescribes procedures for requesting judicial authorization for electronic surveillance and physical search of persons engaged in espionage or international terrorism against the United States on behalf of a foreign power. 90007 Requests are adjudicated by a special eleven member court called the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.90008 90009 90010 FISA Annual Reports to Congress 90011 90010 Court orders Govt to explain how it will ensure accuracy of FBI applications, FISA Court Order, filed December 17, 2019 90011 90010 Review of Four FISA Applications and Other Aspects of the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane Investigation (Horowitz report) (redacted), December 2019 90011 90007 90010 The FISA Amendments Act: Q & A, ODNI Fact Sheet, April 2017 90011 90008 90007 90010 90010 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court — Current Membership 90011 90011 90008 90007 90010 Current and Past Members of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, 1978-2019 90011 90008 90007 90010 Congressional Research Service Reports 90011 90008 90009 90010 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA): An Overview, CRS In Focus 90011 90007 90010 Reform of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC): Selection of Judges 90011 90008 90007 90010 Reform of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Courts: Procedural and Operational Changes 90011 90008 90007 90010 Overview of Constitutional Challenges to NSA Collection Activities and Recent Developments 90011 90008 90007 90010 Reform of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Courts: A Brief Overview 90011 90008 90007 90010 Reform of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Courts: Introducing a Public Advocate 90011 90008 90007 90010 Reform of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Courts: Disclosure of FISA Opinions 90011 90008 90007 90010 Reauthorization of the FISA Amendments Act 90011 90008 90007 90010 Amendments to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Extended Until June 1, 2015-го, June 16, 2011 90011 90008 90007 90010 Retroactive Immunity Provided by the FISA Amendments Act of 2008, July 25, 2008 90011 90008 90007 90074 The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act: A Brief Overview of Selected Issues, July 7, 2008 90 075 90008 90007 90074 The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act: Comparison of House-Passed H.R. 3773, S. 2248 as Reported By the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and S. 2248 as Reported Out of the Senate Judiciary Committee, February 8, 2008 90 075 90008 90007 90074 90074 The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act: An Overview of the Statutory Framework and U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review Decisions 90075, updated February 15, 2007 90 075 90008 90007 90074 The U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review: An Overview, January 24, 2007 90 075 90008 90007 90074 Amendments to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, 1994-2006, July 19, 2006 90 075 90008 90095 90010 Former FISA Court Judge John D. Bates on Potential Changes to FISA, letter to Senate Intelligence Committee, January 13, 2014 90011 90007 90010 FISC Amended Memorandum Opinion on Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act on constitutionality of bulk collection of telephony metadata, August 29, 2013 90011 90008 90007 90010 DNI Clapper Declassifies Intelligence Community Documents Regarding Collection Under Section 501 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), news release, September 10, 2013 90009 FISC Order approving the Government’s request for authorization to collect bulk telephony metadata under Section 501 of FISA, May 24, 2006 90105 Supplemental Opinion from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, December 12, 2008 90105 FISC Order Regarding Preliminary Notice of Compliance Incident Dated January 15, 2009 January 28 2009 90105 Memorandum of the United States in response to the Court’s Order Dated January 28, 2009 February 12 2009 90105 Notice of Compliance Incidents, February 26 2009 90105 FISC Order to Query Telephony Metadata on a Case by Case Basis, March 2 2009 90105 FISC Order to Report Weekly on Dissemination of Information from Telephony Metadata, June 22 2009 90105 Govt Report in Response to FISC Primary Order of July 9, 2009 August 19 2009 90105 NSA review of implementation of the FISC’s authorization under Section 215, June 25 2009 90105 FISC Primary Order, September 3 2009 90105 FISC Order Regarding Further Compliance Incidents, September 25, 20 09 90105 Supplemental FISC Opinion Regarding Queries of Telephony Metadata, November 5 2009 90105 90095 90011 90008 90007 90010 DNI Clapper Declassifies Section 702 Documents, news release, August 21, 2013 90011 90008 90007 90010 DNI Clapper Declassifies and Releases Telephone Metadata Collection Documents, news release, July 31, 2013 90011 90008 90007 90010 Public Filings Before the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court 90011 90008 90007 90010 FISA Court Presiding Judge Reggie Walton on Court Operations, letter to Sen.Leahy, July 29, 2013 90011 90010 FISA Court Reports Further on Modifications to Government Applications, letter to Senator Leahy, October 11, 2013 90011 90008 90007 90010 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Renews Authority to Collect Telephony Metadata, ODNI news release, July 19, 2013 90011 90008 90007 90010 FISC Cites Obstacles to Summarizing Court Opinions, March 27, 2013 (in response to letter from Senate Intelligence Committee, February 13, 2013) 90011 90008 90007 90010 DNI Declassifies Three Statements About Collection under the FISA Amendments Act, letter to Sen.Wyden, July 20, 2012 на (Wired story) 90011 90008 90007 90010 Semiannual Assessments of Compliance with FISA Amendments Act Procedures and Guidelines, Submitted by the Attorney General and the Director of National Intelligence (Redacted) 90011 90008 90007 90010 90010 DNI and Attorney General Urge Renewal of FISA Amendments Act Title VII 90011 with background paper, February 8, 2012 90011 90008 90007 90010 90010 FISA Amendments Act Implementation 90011, documents obtained by ACLU under the Freedom of Information Act, December 2010 90011 90008 90007 90010 Appeals Court Rejects Challenge to FISA, 90168 USA v.Hassan Abu-Jihaad 90169, December 20 2010 90011 90008 90007 90010 Court Rejects Motion for Release of FISA Materials, 90168 USA v. Kashmiri 90169, November 10 2010 90011 90008 90007 90010 FISA Court of Review Opinion upholding surveillance directives under the Protect America Act, August 22, 2008 (with Order to release the Opinion, January 12, 2009) (Secret Court Ruling Put Tech Companies in Data Bind, 90168 New York Times 90169, June 13, 2013) (FISCR Opinion as newly redacted in 2014 року) (more from Yahoo, ODNI) 90011 90008 90007 90010 Selected Aspects of the Department of Energy’s Activities Involving the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, DOE Inspector General, May 6 2009 90011 90008 90007 90074 Senate Approves Amendment to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, July 9, 2008 90 075 90008 90007 90074 House Approves Amendment to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, June 20, 2008 90 075 90008 90007 90074 The FISA as amended by the Patriot Act is Unconstitutional, court ruling in 90168 Mayfield v.United States 90169, District of Oregon, September 26, 2007 (vacated on appeal, December 10, 2009) 90075 90008 90007 90074 FISA Court Will Supervise Cases Formerly Conducted Under the Terrorist Surveillance Program, letter from Attorney General Gonzales to the Senate Judiciary Committee, January 17, 2007 90 075 90008 90007 90074 ACLU Petitions FIS Court to for Leave to Participate in FISA Amendment Act Proceedings (2008) 90075 90008 90095 90007 90074 ACLU Petitions FIS Court to Release Records (2007) 90009 90007 Court Denies ACLU Motion for Release of Records, December 11, 2007 90105 ACLU Reply in Support of Motion for Release of FIS Court Records, September 14, 2007 90105 Govt Opposition to ACLU Motion for Release of FIS Court Records, August 31, 2007 90105 FIS Court Orders Govt to Respond to ACLU Motion for Release, August 16, 2007 90105 ACLU Motion for Release of Certain FIS Court Records, August 8, 2007 90008 90095 90075 90008 90007 90074 DOJ / Attorney General Gonzales ‘responses to the House Judiciary Committee’s oversight letters regarding the NSA Terrorist Surveillance Program, March 24, 2006 90 075 90008 90007 90074 FISA Court Rules and Procedures 90075 90008 90009 90074 Amended Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Rules of Procedure, effective November 1 2010 90075 90105 90074 Proposed Amended Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Rules of Procedure, for public comment, August 26 2010 90075 90105 90074 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Rules of Procedure, effective February 17 , 2006 90075 90105 90074 Procedures for Review of Petitions Filed Pursuant to Section 501 (f) of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, as Amended, May 5, 2006 90075 90105 90074 Procedures for Review of Petitions Filed Under Section 105 (b) ( h) of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, as Amended, draft (October 2007) 90075 90007 90074 Rules for U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review, FISCR Order No. 1, January 22, 1980 90 075 90008 90095 90074 Sen. Pat Roberts on the Constitutionality of Warrantless Electronic Surveillance, letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, February 3, 2006 90 075 90007 90074 Attorney General Gonzales Speech on NSA Surveillance Activity at Georgetown University, January 24, 2006 90 075 90008 90007 90074 Remarks of Gen. Michael V. Hayden, at the National Press Club, January 23, 2006 90 075 90008 90007 90074 Legal Authorities Supporting the Activities of the National Security Agency Described by the President, Department of Justice White Paper, January 19, 2006 90 075 90008 90007 90074 Presidential Authority to Conduct Warrantless Electronic Surveillance to Gather Foreign Intelligence Information, Congressional Research Service, January 5, 2006 90 075 90008 90007 90074 DoJ Letter on Legal Authority for NSA Surveillance from Asst.Attorney General William E. Moschella, December 22, 2005 90 075 90008 90007 90074 A Response to the Justice Department from Law Professors and Former Government Officials, January 9, 2006 90 075 90008 90007 90074 Justice Department Answers to Questions for the Record, transmitted to the Senate Judiciary Committee, October 20, 2005 90 075 90008 90007 90074 NSA Report on Congress on Legal Standards for the Intelligence Community in Conducting Electronic Surveillance, February 2000 90075 90008 90007 90074 Oversight of NSA Electronic Surveillance Activities, statement of NSA Director Lt.Gen. Michael V. Hayden, April 12, 2000. 90075 90008 90007 90074 Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004: Додати «Lone Wolf» Amendment to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, December 29, 2004 90 075 90008 90007 90074 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act: Selected Legislation from the 108th Congress, Congressional Research Service, 2005 90 075 90008 90007 90010 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Procedures to Ensure Accuracy ( «Woods Procedures»), by Michael J. Woods, FBI Office of General Counsel, April 5, 2001. 90011 90008 90007 90010 US Navy Memo on Changes to FISA due to USA Patriot Act, September 2003 (MS Word version) 90011 90008 90007 «So Judge, How Do I Get That FISA Warrant?»: The Policy and Procedure for Conducting Electronic Surveillance, 90306 The Army Lawyer 90307, ​​October 1997 90008 90007 90010 ACLU and EPIC vs.Department of Justice: FOIA Lawsuit on Patriot Act / FISA 90011 90008 90007 90010 Implementation of FISA Under the USA Patriot Act: Justice Department Responses to Congressional Questions 90011 90008 90007 90010 Hearing of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review 90011, on Justice Department appeal from FIS Court Decision, transcript of closed hearing, September 9, 2002. 90008 90007 90010 Memorandum Opinion of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court 90011, rejecting and revising Justice Depa 90008.90000 Federal Security Service | Russian government agency 90001 90002 90003 Federal Security Service (FSB) 90004, Russian 90003 Federalnaya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti 90004, formerly (1994-95) 90003 Federal Counterintelligence Service 90004, Russian internal security and counterintelligence service created in 1994 as one of the successor agencies of the Soviet-era KGB. It is responsible for counterintelligence, antiterrorism, and surveillance of the military. The FSB occupies the former headquarters of the KGB on Lubyanka Square in downtown Moscow.90009 90002 Britannica Quiz 90009 90002 World Organizations: Fact or Fiction? 90009 90002 The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is limited to European countries. 90009 90002 During the late 1980s, as the Soviet government and economy were crumbling, the KGB survived better than most state institutions, suffering far fewer cuts in its personnel and budget.The agency was dismantled, however, after an attempted coup in August 1991 against Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in which some KGB units participated. In early тисячі дев’ятсот дев’яносто два the internal security functions of the KGB were reconstituted first as the Ministry of Security and less than two years later as the Federal Counterintelligence Service (FSK), which was placed under the control of the president. In тисяча дев’ятсот дев’яносто п’ять Russian President Boris Yeltsin renamed the service the FSB and granted it additional powers, enabling it to enter private homes and to conduct intelligence activities in Russia as well as abroad in cooperation with the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR).90009 90002 Despite early promises to reform the Russian intelligence community, the FSB and the services that collect foreign intelligence and signals intelligence (the SVR and the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information) remained largely unreformed and subject to little legislative or judicial scrutiny. Although some limits were placed on the FSB’s domestic surveillance activities-for example, spying on religious institutions and charitable organizations was reduced-all the services continued to be controlled by KGB veterans schooled under the old regime.Moreover, few former KGB officers were removed following the agency’s dissolution, and little effort was made to examine the KGB’s operations or its use of informants. 90009 90002 In 1998 Yeltsin appointed as director of the FSB Vladimir Putin, a KGB veteran who would later succeed Yeltsin as federal president. Yeltsin also ordered the FSB to expand its operations against labour unions in Siberia and to crack down on right-wing dissidents. As president, Putin increased the FSB’s powers to include countering foreign intelligence operations, fighting organized crime, and suppressing Chechen separatists.90009 Get exclusive access to content from our тисяча сімсот шістьдесят вісім First Edition with your subscription. Subscribe today 90002 The FSB, the largest security service in Europe, is extremely effective at counterintelligence. Human rights activists, however, have claimed that it has been slow to shed its KGB heritage, and there have been allegations that it has manufactured cases against suspected dissidents and used threats to recruit agents. At the end of the 1990s, critics charged that the FSB had attempted to frame Russian academics involved in joint research with Western arms-control experts.90009.90000 Congressional Research Service Reports — Miscellaneous Topics 90001 Congressional Research Service Reports — Miscellaneous Topics 90002 FAS | Secrecy | CRS Reports ||| Search | Support FAS 90003 90004 90004 90006 Congressional Research Service Reports 90007 on Miscellaneous Topics 90008 90009 90010 Removal of Nazi Symbols and Inscriptions on Headstones of Prisoners of War in VA National Cemeteries, CRS In Focus, June 26, 2020 90011 90010 The Charitable Deduction for Individuals: A Brief Legislative History, updated June 26, 2020 90011 90010 COVID-19: Resources for Tracking Federal Spending, CRS Insight, updated June 26, 2020 90011 90010 Policing Reform Legislation: Conditions on Funding and New Authorizations, June 25, 2020 90011 90010 Development and Regulation of Medical Countermeasures for COVID-19 (Vaccines, Diagnostics, and Treatments): Frequently Asked Questions, June 25, 2020 90011 90010 An Economic Analysis of the Mortgage Interest Deduction, June 25, 2020 90011 90010 Congress and Police Reform: Current Law and Recent Proposals, CRS Legal Sidebar, updated June 24, 2020 90011 90010 Federal Election Commission: Membership and Policymaking Quorum, In Brief, updated June 24, 2020 90011 90010 Small Business Administration: A Primer on Programs and Funding, updated June 23, 2020 90011 90010 Support Offices in the House of Representatives: Roles and Authorities, updated June 23, 2020 90011 90010 Consumer Credit Reporting, Credit Bureaus, Credit Scoring, and Related Policy Issues, updated June 22, 2020 90011 90010 Capital Markets Volatility and COVID-19: Background and Policy Responses, June 19, 2020 90011 90010 SBA Office of the National Ombudsman: Overview, History, and Current Issues, updated June 19, 2020 90011 90010 Data on Multiemployer Defined Benefit (DB) Pension Plans, updated June 18, 2020 90011 90010 The Small Business Lending Fund, updated June 18, 2020 90011 90010 Congress’s Power Over Appropriations: Constitutional and Statutory Provisions, June 16, 2020 90011 90010 Congress’s Power Over Appropriations: A Primer, CRS In Focus, June 16, 2020 90011 90010 Environmental Effects of Battery Electric and Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles, June 16, 2020 90011 90010 Forecasting Tropical Cyclones: Overview and Issues for Congress, June 16, 2020 90011 90010 COVID-19 Relief Assistance to Small Businesses: Issues and Policy Options, updated June 18, 2020 90011 90010 Reforming Patterns of Unconstitutional Policing: Enforcement of 34 U.S.C. § 12601, CRS Legal Sidebar, June 15, 2020 90011 90010 Tax Issues Relating to Charitable Contributions and Organizations, updated June 15, 2020 90011 90010 Small Business Administration and Job Creation, updated June 15, 2020 90011 90010 The Elder Justice Act: Background and Issues for Congress, updated June 15, 2020 90011 90010 Rail Transportation of Liquefied Natural Gas: Safety and Regulation, June 12, 2020 90011 90010 Election Day: Frequently Asked Questions, June 12, 2020 90011 90010 The Federal Reserve’s Response to COVID-19: Policy Issues, June 12, 2020 90011 90010 Legal Issues Related to the COVID-19 Outbreak: An Overview, CRS Legal Sidebar, updated June 12, 2020 90011 90010 Social Security: Taxation of Benefits, updated June 12, 2020 90011 90010 Police Accountability Measures, CRS In Focus, June 11, 2020 90011 90010 Federal Criminal Laws Applicable to Rioting, Property Destruction, and Related Conduct, CRS Legal Sidebar, June 11, 2020 90011 90010 Policing the Police: Qualified Immunity and Considerations for Congress, CRS Legal Sidebar, June 10, 2020 90011 90010 Voter Registration: Recent Developments and Issues for Congress, June 10, 2020 90011 90010 COVID-19: Remote Voting Trends and the Election Infrastructure Subsector, June 10, 2020 90011 90010 Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): Emergency Temporary Standards (ETS) and COVID-19, updated June 10, 2020 90011 90010 Small Business Administration Microloan Program, updated June 10, 2020 90011 90010 COVID-19 Electric Utility Disconnections, June 9, 2020 90011 90010 Medicare Financial Status: In Brief, updated June 9, 2020 90011 90010 Legal Issues in COVID-19 Vaccine Development, June 8, 2020 90011 90010 Motor Vehicle Safety: Issues for Congress, June 8, 2020 90011 90010 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency FY2021 Appropriations, CRS In Focus, June 8, 2020 90011 90010 Congress and Law Enforcement Reform: Constitutional Authority, CRS Legal Sidebar, June 4, 2020 90011 90010 COVID-19: U.S. Public Health Data and Reporting, CRS Insight, updated June 4, 2020 90011 90010 African American Members of the United States Congress: 1870-2020, updated June 4, 2020 90011 90010 Fiscal Federalism: Theory and Practice, June 3, 2020 90011 90010 Energy and Water Development: FY2021 Appropriations, June 3, 2020 90011 90010 Internships in Congressional Offices: Frequently Asked Questions, updated June 3, 2020 90011 90010 Guides and Outfitters on Federal Lands: Background and Permitting Processes, June 3, 2020 90011 90010 Juneteenth: Fact Sheet, updated June 3, 2020 90011 90010 Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 CRS In Focus, updated June 3, 2020 90011 90010 COVID 19: Consumer Loan Forbearance and Other Relief Options, June 2, 2020 90011 90010 Testing, Testing, (Phase) 1-2-3: Legal Considerations for Clinical Trials of Potential COVID-19 Vaccines, CRS Legal Sidebar, June 2, 2020 90011 90010 What Role Might the Federal Government Play in Law Enforcement Reform ?, CRS In Focus, updated June 1, 2020 90011 90010 Membership of the 116th Congress: A Profile, updated June 1, 2020 90011 90010 Pharmaceutical Patenting Practices: A Legal Overview, CRS In Focus, June 1, 2020 90011 90010 Social Security, Deficits, and Debt, CRS In Focus, June 1, 2020 90011 90010 Women in Congress, 1917-2020: Service Dates and Committee Assignments by Member, and Lists by State and Congress, updated June 1, 2020 90011 90010 Digital Contact Tracing Technology: Overview and Considerations for Implementation, CRS In Focus, May 29, 2020 90011 90010 Medicare: Insolvency Projections, updated May 29, 2020 90011 90010 State Marijuana «Legalization» and Federal Drug Law: A Brief Overview for Congress, CRS Legal Sidebar, May 29, 2020 90011 90010 The Tax Treatment and Economics of Net Operating Losses, May 29, 2020 90011 90010 The Vacancies Act: A Legal Overview, updated May 28, 2020 90011 90010 The U.S. Blood Supply and the COVID-19 Response: In Brief, May 28, 2020 90011 90010 House Full Committee Hearings: 107th-115th Congresses, May 28, 2020 90011 90010 House Office of Congressional Ethics: History, Authority, and Procedures, updated May 28, 2020 90011 90010 Public Safety Officers ‘Benefits (PSOB) and Public Safety Officers’ Educational Assistance (PSOEA) Programs, updated May 27, 2020 90011 90010 Summary and Analysis of S. 2657, the American Energy Innovation Act, May 27, 2020 90011 90010 The Emoluments Clauses of the U.S. Constitution, CRS In Focus, updated May 26, 2020 90011 90010 Removal of Inspectors General: Rules, Practice, and Considerations for Congress, CRS In Focus, May 26, 2020 90011 90010 2020 Census Fieldwork Delayed by COVID-19, CRS In Focus, updated May 26, 2020 90011 90010 Central Valley Project: Issues and Legislation, updated May 26, 2020 90011 90010 Presidential Removal of IGs Under the Inspector General Act, CRS Legal Sidebar, May 22, 2020 90011 90010 Congress, the Judiciary, and Civil and Criminal Procedure, CRS In Focus, May 22, 2020 90011 90010 Changes in the Arctic: Background and Issues for Congress, updated May 22, 2020 90011 90010 Medicare Overview, CRS In Focus, updated May 21, 2020 90011 90010 Medicare Primer, updated May 21, 2020 90011 90010 Capital Gains Tax Options: Behavioral Responses and Revenues, updated May 20, 2020 90011 90010 Individual Tax Provisions ( «Tax Extenders») Expiring in 2020: In Brief, updated May 20, 2020 90011 90010 Considering the Source: Varieties of COVID-19 Information, CRS In Focus, May 19, 2020 90011 90010 Suspension of the Rules: House Practice in the 115th Congress (2017-2018), May 19, 2020 90011 90010 Bribery, Kickbacks, and Self-Dealing: An Overview of Honest Services Fraud and Issues for Congress, updated May 18, 2020 90011 90010 Antitrust Enforcement During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Frequently Asked Questions, CRS Legal Sidebar, May 18, 2020 90011 90010 Adoption Tax Benefits: An Overview, update May 18, 2020 90011 90010 Judiciary Appropriations, FY2020, updated May 18, 2020 90011 90010 COVID-19 and Private Health Insurance Coverage: Frequently Asked Questions, May 15, 2020 90011 90010 The Credit Union System: Developments in Lending and Prudential Risk Management, May 15, 2020 90011 90010 Social Security Primer, updated May 15, 2020 90011 90010 Social Security: The Trust Funds, updated May 15, 2020 90011 90010 Tax Cuts and Economic Stimulus: How Effective Are the Alternatives ?, updated May 14, 2020 90011 90010 Congressionally Mandated Reports: Overview and Considerations for Congress, May 14, 2020 90011 90010 The Legal Framework of the National Environmental Policy Act, CRS In Focus, May 14, 2020 90011 90010 COVID-19: U.S. Economic Effects, CRS Insight, May 13, 2020 90011 90010 Attempt: An Overview of Federal Criminal Law, updated May 13, 2020 90011 90010 Attempt: An Abbreviated Overview of Federal Criminal Law, updated May 13, 2020 90011 90010 The Strategic Petroleum Reserve: Background, Authorities, and Considerations, May 13, 2020 90011 90010 How Social Security Benefits Are Computed: In Brief, updated May 13, 2020 90011 90010 Presidential Objections to Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery Reporting Requirements, CRS Legal Sidebar, May 12, 2020 90011 90010 National Institutes of Health (NIH) Funding: FY1995-FY2021, updated May 12, 2020 90011 90010 Emergency Assistance for Agricultural Land Rehabilitation, updated May 12, 2020 90011 90010 Funding and Financing Highways and Public Transportation, updated May 11, 2020 90011 90010 Tracking Federal Funds: USAspending.gov and Other Data Sources, updated May 11, 2020 90011 90010 Tracking Federal Awards in States and Congressional Districts Using USAspending.gov, CRS In Focus, updated May 11, 2020 90011 90010 COVID-19: Supply Chain Disruptions in the U.S. Fruit and Vegetable Industry: In Brief, May 8, 2020 90011 90010 Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs): EPA and State Actions, CRS In Focus, May 7, 2020 90011 90010 Medicaid Recession-Related FMAP Increases, May 7, 2020 90011 90010 Overview of FY2021 Appropriations for the Census Bureau, CRS In Focus, May 7, 2020 90011 90010 Social Security Overview, CRS In Focus, updated May 7, 2020 90011 90010 The Federal Employees ‘Compensation Act (FECA): Workers’ Compensation for Federal Employees, updated May 7, 2020 90011 90010 The Mortgage Interest Deduction, CRS In Focus, May 7, 2020 90011 90010 Unauthorized Immigrants ‘Eligibility for COVID-19 Relief Benefits: In Brief, updated May 7, 2020 90011 90010 Medicare Part B: Enrollment and Premiums, May 6, 2020 90011 90010 Forest Carbon Primer, updated May 5, 2020 90011 90010 U.S. Forest Carbon Data: In Brief, updated May 5, 2020 90011 90010 Transportation Infrastructure Investment as Economic Stimulus: Lessons from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 May 5, 2020 90011 90010 Judiciary Budget Request, FY2021, CRS In Focus, May 5, 2020 90011 90010 Social Security’s Funding Shortfall, CRS In Focus, updated May 5, 2020 90011 90010 Transportation Spending Under an Earmark Ban, updated May 5, 2020 90011 90010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA): Resources for Frequently Asked Questions, updated May 5, 2020 90011 90010 The Selective Service System and Draft Registration: Issues for Congress, updated May 1, 2020 90011 90010 Relocation of the USDA Research Agencies: NIFA and ERS, CRS In Focus, May 1, 2020 90011 90010 Federal Research and Development (R & D) Funding: FY2021, April 30, 2020 90011 90010 Veto Threats and Vetoes in the George W.Bush and Obama Administrations, April 30, 2020 90011 90010 The Office of Technology Assessment: History, Authorities, Issues, and Options, updated April 29, 2020 90011 90010 Global Research and Development Expenditures: Fact Sheet, updated April 29, 2020 90011 90010 Selected Health Provisions in Title III of the CARES Act (P.L. 116-136), April 29, 2020 90011 90010 The Renewable Electricity Production Tax Credit: In Brief, updated April 29, 2020 90011 90010 Quantum Information Science: Congressional Activity and Federal Policy Recommendations, CRS In Focus, April 28, 2020 90011 90010 Fintech: Overview of Financial Regulators and Recent Policy Approaches, April 28, 2020 90011 90010 Fintech: Overview of Innovative Financial Technology and Selected Policy Issues, April 28, 2020 90011 90010 Proposals for a COVID-19 Congressional Advisory Commission: A Comparative Analysis, April 28, 2020 90011 90010 Health Care-Related Expiring Provisions of the 116th Congress, Second Session, April 28, 2020 90011 90010 The Federal Contraceptive Coverage Requirement: Past and Pending Legal Challenges, upated April 28, 2020 90011 90010 Federal Capital Punishment: Recent Developments, CRS Legal Sidebar, updated April 27, 2020 90011 90010 Apportionment and Redistricting Following the 2020 Census, CRS Insight, April 24, 2020 90011 90010 Federal Prisoners and COVID-19: Background and Authorities to Grant Release, updated April 23, 2020 90011 90010 COVID-19 Testing: Key Issues, CRS In Focus, April 23, 2020 90011 90010 Marine Debris: NOAA’s Role, CRS In Focus, updated April 23, 2020 90011 90010 Agricultural Disaster Assistance, updated April 23, 2020 90011 90010 Issues in International Corporate Taxation: The 2017 Revision (P.L. 115-97), updated April 23, 2020 90011 90010 Reauthorization of Federal Highway Programs, April 22, 2020 90011 90010 The Hatch Act: A Primer, CRS In Focus, April 20, 2020 90011 90010 Presidential Appointments to Full-Time Positions on Regulatory and Other Collegial Boards and Commissions, 115th Congress, April 20, 2020 90011 90010 Considering Legislation on the House Floor: Common Practices in Brief, updated April 20, 2020 90011 90010 The Pandemic Response Accountability Committee: Organization and Duties, CRS Insight, April 17, 2020 90011 90010 Health Care Provisions in the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, P.L. 116-127, April 17, 2020 90011 90010 Vehicle Fuel Economy and Greenhouse Gas Standards, CRS In Focus, updated April 17, 2020 90011 90010 Congressional Oversight Provisions in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act (P.L. 116-136), April 17, 2020 90011 90010 COVID-19, Digital Surveillance, and Privacy: Fourth Amendment Considerations, CRS Legal Sidebar, April 16, 2020 90011 90010 Stock Buybacks and Company Executives ‘Profits, CRS In Focus, April 16, 2020 90011 90010 House Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress: Structure and Procedures, updated April 15, 2020 90011 90010 Introduction to Financial Services: The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), CRS In Focus, updated April 15, 2020 90011 90010 The Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS): An Overview, updated April 14, 2020 90011 90010 U.S. Health Care Coverage and Spending, CRS In Focus, updated April 14, 2020 90011 90010 Constitutional Considerations of Remote Voting In Congress, CRS Legal Sidebar, April 14, 2020 90011 90010 The Coronavirus Relief Fund (CARES Act, Title V): Background and State and Local Allocations, updated April 14, 2020 90011 90010 An Overview of Federal Criminal Laws Implicated by the COVID-19 Pandemic, CRS Legal Sidebar, April 13, 2020 90011 90010 Federal Reserve: Monetary Policy Actions in Response to COVID-19, CRS Insight, April 13, 2020 90011 90010 Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery: Responsibilities, Authority, and App 90011 90326.

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